
Dipper in winter atmosphere

The Eurasian Dipper resting on a little rock in cold and snowy conditions.

Jay in snowy weather

The Jay bird holding his ground against other Jay birds.

Resting puffin

A puffin resting after a long day at sea.


Willow Tit with autumn colors

The Willow Tit captured on a log with beautiful autumn background colors.

Tree in autumn coating

A lonely tree in the middle of a lake covered in late autumn colors with last minute sunshine shining down upon it.

A waterfall in the distant

A waterfall falling down the mountainside with a touch of foggy weather.

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The breath from a Brambling

The morning breath captured from a brambling in gorgous sunrise light.

Rainbow over Odda

Rare glimse of rainbow hovering over a residential area in Odda.

Water falling

A close-up of water falling down the mountain.